Week 5 Intermediate CSS & JS DOM

Eva Eunhye Kim
2 min readMar 31, 2021

Advanced styling with images and JavaScript

CSS background-image

It’s easy to insert background images directly through CSS. This will not interrupt the flow of other HTML elements.

Simply use CSS to place a background image…

background-image: url("../../path/to/image.png")

and this is the most common way to set the background image

body {background-image: url("../../path/to/image.png")}

but you can always use it in any elements like divs…

  • We also set the background-color in case the background-image does not load up.

In case you need to position your background image, the property takes two items: either left, right, or fixed for the horizontal positioning and top, bottom, center, or fixed for the vertical position.

  • Shorthand:
    background: color image no-repeat/repeat position;
    ex). background: #fff url(path/to/image.png) no-repeat center center;


The HTML table element creates a table to present tabular data to the user.

To create…we use the table tag:

1 . Inside of the tag, we add the <tbody>, which represents the body of the table

2. Then, we place the <tr> tag, which represents a table row

3. Finally, we add the <td> tag, representing a column in the table and containing the data we want to display.

And to add more rows, we could add more <tr> and <td> tags.

Figures and Captions

So far, we have used images for our page and for backgrounds. And there is another use of images — figures.

  • The figure element is an element that can hold any content that has an optional caption attached to it. Typically this content is an image.


<img src= “../../path/to/image.jpg” />
<figcaption>A caption to an image!!!</figcaption>

This will give an unstyled image and caption, but you can always style the figure, image, and figcaption tags with CSS to get the looks and feel we want.

